Easy Schedule to Help You Organize Your Time and Finish a Dissertation in a Month Only

Is it really possible to complete a serious dissertation within thirty days? This is the question that has bothered many students struggling with their papers for months. Others have taken vacations only for the time to still be inadequate. However, some have managed to complete the work within the time and graduate with the best grades. What trick did they use and can they be applied to all disciplines? Here are the tips to complete the work in a month and still remain with time to relax.

Be Ready to Give up Something

A good paper at this level will demand undivided attention and mental engagement. This means that you have to set aside enough time to read widely, compile the work, consult and prepare the final copy. Ample time should be available to collect materials and data as well as analyzing it to be in line with your objectives of writing the paper. To create enough time to complete all these tasks, you must give up something. Some of the areas you might consider making sacrifices include.

Internet- make a decision to keep away from social media and internet for the entire month. To make it manageable, reduce the time spent browsing or chatting on social media and reassign it to working on your dissertation.

Social gatherings- skip a few meetings and events organized for social purposes to create more time. Some of these gatherings and events include a game, hike, picnic, etc. Beyond creating more time, skipping will leave you relaxed and ensure that you have the energy to work for long hours.

Visitors - reschedule any visits by friends or relatives within the month. Entertaining guests while you have a workload pending in your head means that you will not give them the attention they require. This is likely to affect your relationship and spill over to your academic work.

Have a Detailed Plan

Do not dare to commence your dissertation writing process without a detailed plan. Detailed planning requires understanding of the extent of work to be done. You need to identify the materials you will require and possible sources.

The schedule should include time to come up with the topic, generate possible titles, research and gather data, compile the first draft, review it, create a final draft and edit the work. Ensure that enough time is allocated to each of these activities to effectively complete them. The schedule should also provide a time to cushion your writing process in case of emergency. This is a guarantee that no matter the events or circumstances, you will submit the final copy within the stipulated time.

Planning Tricks

Editing Tricks

Topic Lists

Style & Format

It is a gross waste of time to attempt to work on a dissertation if you do not understand the instructions. Consult your committee and supervisor to provide guidance on important aspect in order to speed up your writing process.

Since you have limited time, ensure that all the days and hours are spent completing the work. Without consulting, you are likely to handle some areas wrongly and in the process waste more time repeating. Other materials that will assist you include samples and templates.

The best trick to complete your dissertation in one month is to take an academic vacation. This means being away from friends, family and ordinary activities that compete for your attention. This allows you to concentrate and thus be in a position to produce better quality work.

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